Between deadlines, I was able to take off to attend my cousin Justin's wedding dinner in Penang early last month. Had a grand time chilling with old friends and relatives and gorging myself to slow obesity. The only downside to all of it was my loss of my latest sketchjournal which only had a few more pages to complete before I add it to my collection of completed journals. Thankfully I did backup the info and scanned some of my favorite pages inside before that happened so the pain wasn't as bad. It still stinks though not having the original copies with me now. Am still hopeful that some day,someone will return it, that is,if they haven't thrown it in the rubbish bin already. It did look like a crudgy bounded old book anyways.

Our New Year countdown proved successful , celebrating with the MnU team and some friends from Brighton at Ayon and Ed's new hood in Subang Jaya. Yes, we played Pictionary after the count down was over.

In other news....
Jayne Carverhill from a PR agency that is currently representing the RSPCA contacted me last year regarding Simon Tofield's (creator of the Simon's Cat clips I've been updating in here) other project. Here's what she wrote :
"I noticed that you have blogged about Simon’s Cat in the past, so I thought you would be really interested to hear that Simon Tofield, the maker of Simon’s cat, has finally released a new animation. The video, featuring Simon’s sister’s dog has been made especially for the RSPCA, and can be watched at There is an embeddable link if you wish to place it on your site.
The video was launched yesterday and it has been viewed over 40000 times already, which is amazing! But we really want to make sure that the underlying message is not lost. Pet obesity is a massive problem; one in three pets are overweight. It is all too easy to give your pet many treats, especially at Christmas time, but how much is too much?
If this is an issue that is close to your heart, I can provide more information and images. I hope you enjoy the video!!
All the best,
and images. I hope you enjoy the video!!
All the best,
Jayne Carverhill
immediate future Ltd
T: 0845 408 2031
M: 0770 279 5073
Social Media Marketers, Online and Offline PR Consultants.
Thank you so very much for the heads up,Jayne! I really appreciate all the updates I can get!
I received an invite to try out this new application called Moodbox by Roman Vorushin,CEO of the project.( )
Here's what he has to say about it :
"Moodbox is made especially for people who love drawing! MoodBox is a tool for collective drawing based communication and fun by which you can draw and share your
message with everybody in a contact list or publish it on the web.
Here is an example of the drawing
based conversation."
I love it and find it another useful and very fun communication tool to play around with. I appreciate that when I click to use their pencil tool, the rendered result does actually turn out like a kiddie's pencil sketch line. Kawaii! The application is fast and not complicated to use. Another plus for Moodbox. I sincerely hope to see more artists using this in the near future. How about making 2009 the start of this new trend of communication? Sure yahoo has that option,but I kinda the results here better.Plus a whole lot of other neat gadgets like their air brush tool and art brush tool...even cute clip arts to add into your chat art. Yahoo chat only allows for the paint tool rendered format.Always nice to have another option to chat with,methinks. Especially if my msn and yahoo chat box starts acting up in me.
And I'd like to end with some Garfield Thanksgiving clips. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Malaysia though. But what I like about this is that it's one of the better animated Garfield series I've seen so far. More fluid in movement in my opinion. Enjoy! Brings back childhood memories