Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Captor pt 2

This is a totally different direction I am heading into. So please be gentle with me. It's actually based on a simple story I've developed for my writer (Bob Francis) and he loved it so much that he's been encouraging me to continue to develop it further in terms of the artwork. So here is the next piece,from what would seem to be a long series of following art to come.
Hope you will like it,folks.
Here is the original piece that started the spark :

Inspired by greats such as Claire Wendling, Pierre Alary, Juanjo Guarnido, Ood Serriere , Barbara Canepa and the list goes on!


Kristina Bustamante said...

I figured that Claire Wendling was an inspiration for this; it almost looks as if she was the one who drew it. Very sensual piece. Your lady character is absolutely gorgeous. Even though the styles are completely different, she reminds me of Lady Amalthea from "The Last Unicorn."

Sandra Khoo said...

Thank you so very much for the wonderful and kind comment! Tis indeed a real compliment to me that you took it as a Claire Wendling creation! Even better when you relate it to Lady Amalthea for whom I thought was one of the most beautiful girls ever to appear in a 2D animated movie at the time and I grew up with the Last Unicorn! :D Cheers!