Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thumbie,Twisted & Trade

 Let's kick start todays update with a thumbie that occurred this morning while I was heading out,on my way to work...

Its no secret that I'm such a huge fan of Michel Gagne and his amazing works. And was awestruck years ago when I came across one of his pet projects with this sneak teaser trailer I stumbled upon in YouTube.

 I have to say  I was floored by it. The designs, the orchestration, everything! Totally blown away cos it had the entire package that screams Michel Gagne in it.
 And now years later,I finally get to see what the end product looks like.....
The Game Play Montage

The Official Trailer to his Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

And Man! It really didn't fail to impress me! I need to invest in a new compy just for games!Rrrr!!!
Check out the game play explored by Power Hour.

And lookie what arrived last month to my art trade pal,Henry Jaepelt in Brazil! Yes,my long awaited trade for him along with a few other goodies in the package.
 Am so happy and relieved it had arrived to him safe and intact. And Phew! Was he ever pleased with his received trade.
 Here's a close up peek at the art gift. Some of you may remember my earlier post of his art gift to me. But I'll re-post it here for good measure.

Well that's all for now,folks! Not too wordy, but enough to sum up what's been going on in my head and life lately. Cheers!!!

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