Monday, December 22, 2008

David Attenborough's lectures aids Character Designers

I love David Attenborough.
I grew up with many of his programs when I was very little,thanks to my dad's stash of documentaries he collects with a passion. I would credit Mr.David A. and my dad for instilling a wide array of wildlife understanding and interest in them from the materials I've been fed with for so many years. I've recently found these gems from,again, YouTube. Characteristic of David, he went to great lengths in explaining the complexities yet general understanding of the animal world to his audience and I was amazed ,though not surprised, as to how much this valuable information can be applied to our animation studies. Yes, animal studies is one of the core backbone requirements to help flesh out and understand your character designs better. But I find many of the local schools here do not or have never included these studies into their syllables. With such a case,the individuals will then have to take the initiative to study about them by themselves,and how much they can learn about one animal, all depends on the amount of time and effort it takes them to find out about it. I wish for the day we would have A Mr.Attenborough or equivalent of to give wonderful lectures such as these that is beneficial to all, including us animation artists.

Any wonder why both David and Walt are great at what they do (and why I like them so much)? They understand everything that is needed for their job and they both share that same understanding about characteristics,be it in the form of an animal or cartoon character.


Be Creative Books said...

Hello Sandra! firstly allow me to congratulate you, all your arts that I can see here I love! you work with great ease, there is evident that you enjoy much what you do, it's really nice!

Well, with humility, I ask you, please, give a glance to my blog and give me your comment, of the way that this is..Thank you very much, Happy Holidays and have a Wonderful 2009!


William Bradford said...


Ken said...

I too share your appreciation for David Attenborough, I love his documentaries. Have you seen "Planet Earth"?

Will check out these vids on youtube, Im sure they will be insightful. Thanks for sharing